Human and Culture
In writing assignments for the course Humanities Association, I was asked to write about Man and Culture. Sight when I first heard of this matter is that among the people and culture there is a relationship that can not be separated. Because of the way the man would meet and get to know the culture that existed at the place where he lives and perpetuate his life. I think it's quite a big cultural influence in the life of a human being.
Culture in each region are different from each other, because culture has a characteristic that can not be compared between one another. Culture itself can arise due to several factors one of which is the heritage handed down to generation to the present.
As a simple example we can find around us that although Indonesia is one unit, Indonesia has a wide range of very diverse cultures so visible differences in customs, norms, and values in every area.
Permisalannya if there are two students who first grew up in North Sumatra and another raised in Central Java, then between the two mmahasiswa when confronted definitely have differences.
The simplest difference and commonly seen are the differences in the language used Slang. Although they both use Indonesian, but when the culture of their respective regions still attached, there will be differences in tone of the language they use.
Examples can be linked between the people and culture that is always there is a connection between them that can not be separated because it is the process that a human being with the culture inherent in it.
Not all people understand the meaning of human culture itself, for it is here I will explain a little about the understanding of human and cultural dideefinisikan by some people who know about it.
First I will explain about the meaning of culture. In everyday life we often hear the word culture or cultural.
However, if we know the definition or meaning of culture itself? Before discussing more about how good we know kabudayaan first dahulu.Pada first understanding the culture or cultures derived from the Sanskrit buddhayah, which is the plural form of the buddhi which can be interpreted as the mind or intellect, so that culture can be defined as matters relating the human mind and intellect.
There are also cultural meaning in English, which is often called the culture, which is derived from the Latin word Colere, the process or work.
Can be interpreted also as cultivate the land or farming. The word culture is also sometimes translated as "culture" in Indonesian. So can disimpulakan that culture is a way of life that developed and owned jointly by a group of people, then passed down from generation to generation.
Culture is made up of many elements of the system such as religion, politics, customs, languages, tools, clothing, buildings, and works of art. In addition it also has a form of culture.
The opinion was expressed by J.J. Hoenigman. According culture form this part is divided into three, namely the idea (ideal form), aktiivitas (action), and artifacts (work).
Indonesia has a cultural diversity that is reflected in various aspects of life. Each region must have a cultural characteristic that distinguishes one from the other.
Diverse cultures are differentiated by type preformance form the traditional house, Dances, Songs, Music, Art, Custom Clothing, Food, and Film. It all was a result of a culture that is often seen in Indonesia kebudayaann distinguishes one area to area.
Once we have reviewed the above then I will explain the culture of man. Humans are creatures of God's most perfect in the world than any other creature that God created.
Because humans have the intellect and the mind. Through the perfection that humans can think, act, strive, and can determine which ones are good and which are bad.
On the other hand there is the nature of man as a social being that man can not live alone but need others to be able to carry out his life. Due to the nature of human beings as social beings have the man in her life would do a process of socialization and social interaction with other creatures.
Through social interaction between people with each other and affect each other have a reciprocal relationship with each other. Humans itself consists of four elements that are associated with each other, namely body, life, spirit, and the nafs (self-awareness).
So among human cultures simply have a relationship that is human behavior and culture is a culture of human objects implemented.
Human relations and culture have a strong bond with each other. At the current state we can no longer distinguish which earlier appeared, people or culture. Analysis of the presence of both the problem and the need to include time restrictions. So that analysis can be carried out carefully.
Such is my brief description of the people and culture, if there are still many shortcomings beg forgiveness. Hopefully this article useful to readers in general. So and Thanks.
Wassalamuaikum wr.wb
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